Dear All,
Could I please have final numbers for attendance for our meeting on Thursday as we can get catering numbers correct. If you are a paid member and are wanting to bring a guest could I know again for catering purposes.
If you could let me know by tonight so I can inform the venue with more than 24 hours notice I would be grateful?
Please email on
Dear Colleagues
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about our upcoming North West Upper Limb Group meeting on Thursday 21st November at our usual venue in Haydock.
We have two professors travelling up from Oxford University to present. Professor Jonathan Rees will be well known to you. He is Professor of Musculoskeletal Sciences at Oxford. He has had a number of national roles and is currently president elect of BESS.
Professor David Beard is also travelling up. He is a Professor of Musculoskeletal Sciences at the Nuffield Department in Oxford and is also a Co-Director of the Royal College of Surgeons Surgical Intervention Trials Unit.
They are coming up to present and discuss their work in association with both the UKUFF and C-SAW trials. I think this will be a great opportunity to question them with regard to this research and its implications going forward in clinical practice.
I think the North West Upper Limb Group should be very proud that we have been able to persuade such an eminent pair of speakers to visit us. Our secretary should be congratulated on his work in achieving this.
I would like as large a gathering as possible to welcome them and I would be grateful if you could give this event your consideration and hopefully we will see you there. If you are intending to attend would you please send an email through to Rish to confirm this as we are expecting a reasonable attendance.
Yours sincerely
Peter Hughes
NWULG President